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At CFCPNJ we conduct forensic psychological evaluations for immigration, civil and criminal related issues. 


Expert psychological evaluation and testimony helps judges and juries to see the full range of psychological issues in the case, and the impact of injuries suffered by individuals.


Our psychological evaluations help in the determination of possible psychological conditions, impairments, challenges and disability while including consideration of the possibility of malingering and its impact on the psycho-legal questions at hand. 


Each case involves close analysis of the particular psychological diagnosis of the injured party. 




All information disclosed within clinical sessions and the written record pertaining to those sessions, are confidential and may not be revealed to anyone without your written permission, except where disclosure is required by law. Disclosure may be required in the following circumstances: when there is a reasonable suspicion of child or elder abuse or neglect; when a client presents a danger to him/herself or to others; or is gravely disabled.

Disclosure may also be required pursuant to a legal proceeding. If you place your mental status at issue in litigations by yourself, the defendant may have the right to obtain the psychological evaluation records and/or testimony by Dr. Greenberg. When couples and or families are being evaluated or interviewed together, different family members may at times, be evaluated or interviewed separately. In these circumstances, confidentiality and privilege do not apply between the couple or the family members. Dr. Greenberg will use her clinical judgment if and when revealing such information.

If, during psychological evaluations, there is a clinical emergency, or Dr. Greenberg has reasonable concern regarding the client’s ability to maintain his/her own personal safety, or the client’s possible risk of harm to another person, Dr. Greenberg is ethically and legally required to exercise whatever actions, within the limits of the law, are possible to prevent the client from injuring him/herself or others. For this purpose, Dr. Greenberg may also contact the person listed on the Intake Form for emergencies.




Telephone conversations, site visits, report writing and reading, consultation with other professionals, release of information, extended sessions, travel time, etc. will be charged at the standard fee rate, unless otherwise agreed upon.

Please notify Dr. Greenberg if any problem arises regarding your ability to make timely payments. Please note that forensic psychological evaluations are not covered by medical insurance providers.

If your account becomes unpaid or overdue, and there is no written agreement for a payment plan, Dr. Greenberg may use legal means (court, collection agency, etc.) to recover all fees and collection costs due and payable.




Since the scheduling of an appointment involves the reservations of a time specific for each client, a minimum of 24 hours notice is required for rescheduling or canceling an appointment.


All clients must sign a consent form providing full and informed consent to be evaluated and seen by Dr. Greenberg. Clients are also requested to read and sign a Disclosure Consent form providing Dr. Greenberg and her office staff permission to share and access any or all of their medical, psychological, psychiatric, and/or educational records. Informed Consent forms will also be available so that clients permit Dr. Greenberg to provide verbal and written information to the lawyer, and in turn, receive all records and information from the lawyer. Of course, clients may choose not to sign these consent forms.


Spanish and Portuguese consent and intake forms are available


479 State Rt. 17 North #1043, Mahwah, NJ 07430-2116

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NOTE: To help ensure privacy, individuals and clients are cautioned against sending sensitive, detailed or personal information to Dr. Rhonda Greenberg or to CFCPNJ, therapists or other health/treatment service staff via e-mail. Email should never be used to convey information of an urgent nature to therapists or staff. Prompt responses to e-mail messages cannot be guaranteed. Any psychological information sent via email is not considered to be advice. Please contact our office for your questions and referrals regarding psychological evaluations.



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